There is no doubt that Social Media has become such an indispensable tool for marketers in all industries, including Real estate. Therefore, let’s study together some important rules for real estate agents when posting on Social Media Accounts.

Real estate agents and the perfect marketing tools

You have probably heard that you need to be active on social media, but what should you post about? What’s the perfect strategy to adopt? Well, there are indeed some rules every real estate agent should follow if you’re willing to boost your marketing efforts.

But how should you literally do it?

A fact is certain – gone are the days when you didn’t need social media platforms to interact with your clients. Nowadays, if you’re not active online, you should know you’re one step behind your competitors.

So, are you using Social Media the right way?

Here are some tips for you to follow:

  • Share captivating, informative and original content

First and foremost, you need to post frequently and share unique content. This is how you build your audience and keep them up-to-date with your novelties. For instance: congratulate your latest clients, share motivational images or news about yourself! Don’t lose touch with your ex-clients, because they are most likely going to bring you new ones. You know what they say – the most powerful advertising is the word of mouth!


  • Engage with your audience

Answer questions, contribute to public debates, online communities and social media events. Don’t let your audience wait for your answers or for your help. This is how you state that you value clients and you’re open to new ones all the time.

  • Share at the right times

Test the hours of the day when your audience is most active. Be there when they are there too. Remember that saying – ‘give them what they need and a little bit more’. Don’t forget to build a  brand and always promote it.

  • Stay professional

It’s needless to say that you have to keep a professional appearance and image. Be the professional your audience is searching for and think about people that don’t know you and get to your page for the first time. What do they need to see to pick up the phone and call you? This is one of those must-do exercises – the customer persona exercise, when you put yourself in your customers’ shoes and decide a common pattern of behavior. This info should help you get to perfection your marketing strategies.

  • Proofread your posts

Always, but always proofread your posts. You don’t want any mistakes to go viral, especially on your profile. This is one of those serious ‘No-nos’. Why? It shows you’re unprofessional, not attentive to detail, and you don’t spot errors. So, be careful about making this mistake!

All things considered, social media is one of those essential sectors for real estate agents too that you shouldn’t skip. Nowadays, everyone and everything is online, and so should your business.